
The Old College coaching team provides numerous individual and group coaching opportunities for both adults and juniors, members and non-members. These include:

  • Men’s and women’s coached team practice on Monday evenings
  • Midweek and Saturday coaching sessions for different abilities
  • After-school and Saturday junior sessions
  • Coach-led social doubles play

For private lessons, please get in touch with any of our coaches below directly.

Alex Heath

Head Coach: LTA Level 4
from £40 an hour


Hamid Irshad

Club Coach: LTA Level 4
from £40 an hour


Wayne Evans

Club Coach: LTA Level 3
from £35 an hour


Luke Hymas

Coach: LTA Level 3
from £35 an hour

07585 977027

Adult Coaching

Whether it’s enjoying learning the basics and building up confidence to play socially, or high-performance training for academy players competing regularly, the Old College coaching team caters for players of all standards. We offer a comprehensive and flexible coaching programme for all ages and levels, delivered by our team of experienced coaches.

Sessions are held at the following times, and you can read more a description of playing standards here. 

Day Time Standard
Weds (term-time only)09:30 - 11:00 Improver/Intermediate
Fri (term-time only)09:30 - 11:00Intermediate/Advanced
Sat 09:00 - 10:30Beginner/Improver
Sat 10:30 - 12:00 Intermediate/Advanced

Members must book in advance for these sessions, which costs £10 per 90-minute session.

In case of inclement weather please check with the coach if there will be play:

Group Coaching

Group coaching sessions are held at the following times:

Group coaching sessions are held at the following times:

Members should book in advance for these sessions, which cost £10 per 90-minute session.

For non-members, a £5 guest fee applies. Please contact the coach below first if you’d like to attend

In case of inclement weather please check with the coach if there will be play:

  • Saturday session Alex Heath: 07554 007870
  • Friday session Wayne Evans: 07595 731944
  • Wednesday session Hamid Irshad: 07872 187926


Tennis court image

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